Everything I Know about Marketing I learned from Google

Where the Magic Happened…

June 14, 2010 by Aaron Goldman

For my first post, I thought I’d give a behind the scenes tour of the cribs I holed up in while working on my manuscript.

This was my desk at Resolution Media. I got the boot from my office in early ’09 when I stopped working at the firm full-time and moved into a consultant role. So I nabbed this quaint corner cube. I spent the week between Christmas and New Years here cranking away on Chapters 1-10. The agency was closed during that time so I was able to write uninterrupted. This desk now belongs to one Stacie Susens and that’s her decor you’re seeing adorning the cube. I didn’t think to take a picture of my set-up there before moving out. Needless to say, I didn’t keep it nearly as tidy as Ms. Susens.

This is my desk at Elevate Studios in Chicago. I moved into this office in February and wrote chapters 11-20 here. Check out my nifty exercise ball chair. It’s supposed to make you buff while you work. That’s if used correctly, though. I tend to do a lot of bouncing (much to the chagrin of the Elevater’s) and slouching. I also did a lot of pacing and loud keyboard clacking. (I use my entire left hand to type but only the index finger on my right. Don’t ask why… I did have a computer in elementary school but always cheated and looked at the keyboard during the typing tests.) Note the Jimmy Johns menu affixed to the bulletin board. As mentioned in the Acknowledgements, that was my go-to spot for eats but I really never varied from the #14 so not sure why I needed the menu.

I spent way too much time during my family vacation in Cancun the 2nd week in March working on this book. Although, I must say, this was by far the most inspiring place to write. Too bad I was writing about marketing and not more heady topics. Chapter 21 was hatched here and I did some serious tweaking to Chapters 1-20 during this trip. I was only able to make use of the balcony for a few hours each day because they’d start pumping the bass for aquatics exercise class around noon and keep the festivities rolling through bingo and on into happy hour. So I found a nice quiet spot in one of the restaurants where I could hole up and write undisturbed. That view was not much to speak of, though. Although the queso was pretty good looking.

This was me on the “thinking couch” at Elevate the day my manuscript was due. I printed out all 350 pages, curled up witha red pen and went to town with my “final” edits. (Yes, I had more than one Coke that day.) Somehow I managed to get the manuscript completed and off to my editors at 12:08 on April 1st, missing my deadline by only 8 minutes. Fortunately, McGraw-Hill didn’t give me much flack for being late. The book is currently going through the editing stages before being sent to layout and production. Release date is set for August 27th. Oh, and did I mention it’s now available for pre-order?!

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