April 12, 2011 by Aaron Goldman
Today I participated in a session at ad:tech San Francisco called, “Connecting the Dots with Paid Search” moderated by “Marketing Pastor” Melanie Mitchell.
My presentation focused on a new approach to search engine marketing that can not only help improve performance within the SEM channel but across other channels as well. The idea is focusing on the people behind the keywords to get a sense of their true value to your business. It’s not rocket science. It’s people science.
Here’s my deck:
Category: Appearances, Digital Marketing, Presentations, Press, Search Engine Marketing | Comments (1)
April 7, 2011 by Aaron Goldman
In yesterday’s MediaPost Search Insider column (+10 and -10 for Google +1), I shared 10 things I love and 10 things I hate about Google +1. It just so happens that the lists contained the same 10 things. Behold the definition of a love/hate relationship!
Category: Bylines, Google, Google News, Social Media | Comments (0)
April 2, 2011 by Aaron Goldman
In Chapter 19 (Make Your Company a Great Story), I cover all of Google’s April Fools Day gags over the years and the amazing amount of free press they drum up (not to mention, employee engagement). Yesterday, Google outdid itself with no less than 16 jokes. Matt McGree has a great roundup for Search Engine Land (my personal favorite is Chromercise).
In an effort to practice what I preach in the book and make Kenshoo a great story, we announced the release of a “cloudvertizing” platform. I think there are more puns in the press release than the 343 pages of my book combined! This is the very definition of “fluff” news…

Category: About the Author | Comments (0)