Everything I Know about Marketing I learned from Google

The gloves (and shirt!) come off at ad:tech

April 10, 2012 by Aaron Goldman

Last week I took the stage at ad:tech San Francisco with my peeps Kevin Lange from SMG Search and Bryan Kelley from Ampush Media to discuss the similarities and differences between Google and Facebook (deck embedded below) and lo and behold a rap battle broke out.

Unlike the Search Insider Summit, where I got pounded by the SEO Rapper, I set up a battle I couldn’t lose. Yep, I battled myself! In character, though, as Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook and (after a near wardrobe malfunction at 1:25 in the video) Larry Page from Google. Round 2 featured Sergey Brin vs. Sheryl Sandberg aka me vs. me again.

Who won? All Voices called it a draw (man I can’t even beat myself!) so you be the judge…

Facebook vs. Google ad:tech SF 2012

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