Tonight was the official book launch party hosted by the Chicago Interactive Social Club (CISC) at Blue Frog 22…
Over 550 people RSVP’d so Andrew Landan, who runs CISC and is pictured above with the red headphones, told everyone to arrive early. They did. The line started queueing 30 minutes before the doors opened.
Inside, to paraphrase my MLK-day entry for the 3six5project, “the scene was serene if you know what I mean.” The crew from Borders was all set up and ready for the big book blowout.
The Google Me tees were in full effect courtesy of Kiley and Steph were kind enough to model them.
Scott and Karen weren’t sporting the tees but they sure brought their A grins.
V-Red and Paul were most definitely in the house.
Everyone was getting Googley tonight. Thanks to all who came out… especially those up past their bedtime!