Everything I Know about Marketing I learned from Google

Getting Googley at SES Chicago

October 21, 2010 by Aaron Goldman

Hit up SES Chicago today. Jolly good show.

Here’s the deck I presented in my session, “Get Googley: How to Apply Lessons from SEM to Other Marketing Channels.”

As you may have guessed from the last slide, Tha Lyrical G made an appearance. Will post the rap in its entirety in a separate post. (Waiting for YouTube to complete the upload.)

UPDATE: Here’s the Googley Lessons rap. Turn up your speakers, click the link, and then brace yourself.


Googley Tip of the Week: Test Everything

October 16, 2010 by Aaron Goldman

Check out the second video tip in my EOtv series. This one is bundled into a webcast titled, “Accomplish Goals through Active Visualization.” Not sure what that’s all about but worth testing, I suppose. :)


Googley Tip of the Week

September 29, 2010 by Aaron Goldman

Starting this week, I’ll be sharing a “Googley Tip of the Week” via EOtv (that’s the video network of Entrepreneur’s Organization.) This week’s tip is from Chapter 3: Keep it Simple, Stupid. The gang at EOtv did a bang up job with the graphics here. Tune in for each of the next 3 weeks for more of the goog, er… good stuff!


Is Google Taking Too Much Credit?

September 28, 2010 by Aaron Goldman

That’s the question I’ll be addressing on my panel at OMMA Global in New York today.

Here’s the prep sheet I sent to my panelists. Will update this post tomorrow with session highlights.

OMMA Global NY
9/28 at 11:30am

Is Google Taking Too Much Credit?

Google recently announced that its search and advertising tools generated $54 billion of economic activity in the U.S. in 2009. But, as we all know, there are a number of different factors that contribute to sales conversions both on and offline. In this session, we’ll examine the role of search in the media mix and discuss best practices for evaluating performance across all channels. We’ll also look at some of the more evolved attribution models being deployed by search marketing advertisers, agencies and technologies.

Aaron Goldman, Chief Marketing Officer, Kenshoo

Eli Goodman, Search Evangelist, comScore, Inc.
Greg A. Green, Director, Global Agency Strategy, Google
Justin Merickel, VP, Marketing and Product Development, Efficient Frontier
Peter Platt, Chief Digital Officer, Catalyst
Adam Kasper, SVP, Managing Director, Digital, Media Contacts


Is Google taking too much credit?

  1. See this post and video: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/05/googles-us-economic-impact.html
  2. Download this report: http://www.google.com/economicimpact/
  3. Please be prepared to weigh in with your thoughts on the methodology and findings.


  1. Since SEM is so dependent on consumer demand/interest, it can be difficult to budget for it. What are some best practices?
  2. Should search be the first line item budgeted for or the last? Somewhere in between?
  3. What about SEO? How does one approach this unpaid media opportunity?


  1. How can one measure “assists” solely within the search channel? (ie, upper funnel keywords)
  2. How can one measure impact of other online ads on search?
  3. How can one measure impact of offline ads on search?
  4. What tools are available to help with attribution?


  1. How does the conversation about attribution change when an advertiser has strict branding goals? (ie, no direct conversion/sales metric)


  1. What will the digital marketing landscape look like in 5 years?
  2. What will Google’s role be?
  3. How will budgeting and attribution strategies evolve?
  4. How can marketers best prepare today?


Lots of great conversation and insights.

Key points:

Greg – studies show the overall value of the Internet between $300 billion and $1 trillion so $54b is a drop in the bucket. (Sounds awfully like the Google monopoly defense.) Attribution is not a zero sum game. The pot for all of digital is getting bigger.

Eli – when thinking about attribution, don’t forget about offline. Oh yeah, and comScore has tools to help you do that.

Justin – with Facebook ads now being integrated into SEM platforms such as Efficient Frontier and Kenshoo (disclosure: my employer), it’s critical to measure the interplay between channels.

Adam – you have to get the right people in the room from the client, agency, and technology partner side to have a real discussion about attribution. That includes marketing, IT, etc.

Peter – it’s critical to track lifetime value and segment customers by value when evaluating credit for each channel. Not all customers are created equal.

I did a bit of Geraldo and worked the crowd throughout to integrate audience Q&A. And I gave a signed copy of the book to the first person that asked a question. (Wisely, someone immediately shot up their hand and asked, “Can I get the book?”)

Here’s one of the brief moments I was actually up at the podium. You can’t tell but I’m wearing a green Google Me tee and matching Pumas.

At the end of the session I asked each of the panelists and then the audience which company they thought would be driving the lion’s share of economic impact via the web in 2015. The rough audience response was as follows:

80% Google
10% Other
5% Apple
2% Facebook (aided by presence of Kelly Graziadei from FB)
2% Microsoft

Update 2: Here’s a better pic courtesy of my colleague, Paula, at Kenshoo. Good view of the green ensemble.

Update 3: I just got another one of those phishing emails and was reminded of a great exchange during this session with Greg from Google.

As a follow up to his analysis of the economic impact study, I asked Greg if Google counted the millions in impact from the Prince of Nigeria floating funds through my account in the US.

Greg: How’d that investment work out for you?

Me: Can Google help me get my money back?

Greg: Sure. Send me your social security number.

Me: Don’t you already have it???


Ain’t No Party Like a Book Launch Party

September 23, 2010 by Aaron Goldman

Tonight was the official book launch party hosted by the Chicago Interactive Social Club (CISC) at Blue Frog 22…

Over 550 people RSVP’d so Andrew Landan, who runs CISC and is pictured above with the red headphones, told everyone to arrive early. They did. The line started queueing 30 minutes before the doors opened.

Inside, to paraphrase my MLK-day entry for the 3six5project, “the scene was serene if you know what I mean.” The crew from Borders was all set up and ready for the big book blowout.

The Google Me tees were in full effect courtesy of KosherHam.com. Kiley and Steph were kind enough to model them.

Scott and Karen weren’t sporting the tees but they sure brought their A grins.

V-Red and Paul were most definitely in the house.

Everyone was getting Googley tonight. Thanks to all who came out… especially those up past their bedtime!


Taking the Show on the Road

September 17, 2010 by Aaron Goldman

I’ve got a number of speaking appearances lined up over the coming months. Good mixture of panels, presentations, and socials. I’ll be doing everything from sharing Google Lessons to leading exercises to, of course, rapping.

Along the way I’ll be giving away plenty of signed copies of the book. Yesterday, I gave away 4 at the Online Marketing Institute and CIMA events in Chicago.

Here’s me with one of last night’s lucky winners (who also happens to be an old friend), Erik Engman.

From book


Aaron Goldman Speaking Appearances

August 16, 2010 by Aaron Goldman

In addition to hitting the Web for a Blog Tour, I’ll be appearing at a number of trade shows, conferences, and corporate events in the coming months.

Below is the latest schedule which will be regularly updated. If you’d like me to speak at your event, please Get Connectual.


Tues. Feb. 7: Paneling at Covario’s INFELCTIONPoint 2012 about leveraging paid search and paid social. Pic here.

Wed. Feb. 8: Going back to the well on Facebook best practices at the Online Marketing Summit in San Diego. Slides here.

Wed. Apr. 4: Mediating the Google v. Facebook battle at ad:tech San Francisco. Slides here and solo rap battle here.

Wed. Apr. 4: Paneling on how to monetize search with social at the Power of eMarketing Conference in SF.

Mon. Apr. 23: Hosting the “Search Insider Feud: How Search Changes Your Voice” at Search Insider Summit in Captiva Island, FL. Video here and recap here.

Tues. June 5: Co-presenting with Sachin Gadhvi from TicketsNow, at Internet Retailer Conference and Exhibition in Chicago on “How to turn dynamic inventory, seasonality, and promotions into an SEM advantage.” Slides here and rap here.

Thurs. June 14: Presenting at SIM Partners’ SIMposium in Chicago on “Search and Social: Birds of a Feather or Different Flock?” Slides here and rap here.

Wed. Sept. 19: Virtually presenting at the Online Marketing Institute Digital Marketing Strategy Summit re: “Successful Execution of Search & Social.”

Wed. Sept. 19: Physically speaking at the Yahoo! Search & Bing Advertiser Forum in New York on a panel moderated by Craig Macdonald, of Search Insider Feud fame, about industry trends .

Thurs. Sept. 20: Co-presenting with Viji Davis and Erica Barth at the 2012 Resolution Media Summit in Chicago on “Social Observations and Benchmarks for Your Programs” using data from our Social Media Insights research and Social Media Advertising Global Games report.

Thurs. Sept. 27: Hosting a Kenshoo webinar with my colleague Will Martin-Gill and Kenshoo client reps from Sears and iProspect on “Gearing up for the Holiday Shopping Season”. Video here and slides here.

Mon. Oct. 1: Paneling at MediaPost’s OMMA Display in New York on “The Facebook Challenge: Is Social Media Inventory Any Good for Marketers?” with moderator extraordinaire, David Berkowitz. No, not that one. This one.

Tues. Oct. 23: Co-hosting a webinar for Kenshoo Social with Resolution Media on “Social Media and Facebook Advertising Insights.”

Thurs. Dec. 13: Moderating a panel at the Search Insider Summit in Park City, UT on “New Surface Areas for Search Locally and Worldwide.”


Tues. Apr. 12: Speaking on panel at ad:tech San Francisco about paid search marketing. Slides here.

Tues. Apr. 19: Panelist on paid search session at the Power of eMarketing Conference in San Francisco.

Thurs. May 5 and Fri. May 6: Kicking off the Search Insider Summit in Captiva Island, Florida with the Ultimate SEO PPC Rap Battle and then presenting on Personalization vs. Privacy: the Implications for Advertising on day 2. Slides here. Rap battle here.

Tues. May 24: Keynoting day 2 at Social Media Optimization Conference (SMOC) in San Francisco with a look at another great acronym, SAM (Social Advertising and Marketing) and how it compares to SEM (Search Engine Marketing). Slides, pics, and rapping Q&A here.

Tues. June 7: Presenting on behalf of Kenshoo at the Needham Internet and Digital Media Conference in NYC.

Tues. July 26: Presenting at OMS (Online Marketing Summit) Chicago on “10 Channels To Integrate with SEM to Improve Results.” Slides here. Note: topic changed to “What’s Hot in Digital Marketing.”

Tues. Aug. 16: Presenting at SES San Francisco on “Automating Social Media: Creating & Distributing the Message.” Slides here.

Thurs. Sept. 22: Speaking at a Pivot Guild event in Boulder on the topic of “Why Social Media Matters for Your Business.” Recap and slides here.

Tues. Sept. 27: Participating on a panel titled, “Why Display is Better than Search” at OMMA Global New York. (Yes, I will be the contrarian POV.)

Mon. Nov. 14: Getting social with a presentation titled, Like it or Not: The Do’s and Don’ts of Facebook Ads” at OMS Social Media Summit in Chicago. Rap hear.

Tues. Nov. 15: Sharing more Facebook best practices (virtually same deck as day before but 45 minutes less time to do it!) at SES Chicago. Slides here.

Fri. Dec. 9: Perfecting the search engine at MediaPost’s Search Insider Summit in Deer Valley, UT. Slides and video here.


Tues. Aug. 24: Moderating social media panel at  Integrated Marketing Summit in Chicago.

Thurs. Sept. 16: Delivering happy hour address and raffling off signed copies at Online Marketing Institute and CIMA events in Chicago. Pic here.

Thurs. Sept. 23: “Official Chicago Launch Party” in partnership with the Chicago Interactive Social Club at Blue Frog 22 in Chicago. Pics here.

Tues. Sept. 28: Moderating panel about the how much credit Google gets/takes at OMMA Global in New York. Recap here.

Thurs. Oct. 21: Delivering one-hour presentation about how to apply lessons form SEM to other channels at SES Chicago. Slides here. Rap here.

Wed. Dec. 1: Leading 150 minute workshop at Catalyst Ranch Match Books event in Chicago. Rap videos here.

Wed. Dec. 8 – Sat. Dec. 11: Official MC of the bi-annual Search Insider Summit in Park City, Utah. Rap videos here: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3.


Aaron Goldman’s Googley Lessons Blog Tour

August 4, 2010 by Aaron Goldman

Now Playing at a Blog Near You!

30 Stops. 10 Days. 1 Googley Blog Tour.

In Chapter 5: Be Where Your Audience Is, I preach about creating and distributing content in the places where your best prospects and customers spend time…

“Don’t ask people to stop what they’re doing or leave where they are to come visit you. Break down your brand into assets they can use wherever they are. Find out where the conversations about your brand or offering are happening and plant seeds there.”

It’s with that mantra in mind that my publishers hatched the idea of a blog tour to promote my book. Rather than asking people to come to GoogleyLessons.com, let’s take the Googley Lessons to the people!

Below is the rundown of all scheduled tour stops.

Update: I’m also doing some “real-life” appearances to promote the book, discuss its theme, and share best practices. That schedule is posted at GoogleyLessons.com/Speaking.

Monday, August 30
David Dalka: Online Marketing Management and Business Strategy (Video) – LIVE!
The Social Times (Guest post) – LIVE!
Critical Mass: Experience Matters (Video) – LIVE!

Tuesday, August 31
Temkin Group: Customer Experience Matters (Video) – LIVE!
Jack Myers: MediaBizBloggers (Excerpt) – LIVE!
Andy Santamaria: Chronically Curious (Video) – LIVE!

Wednesday, September 1
PR Newswer (Podcast) – LIVE!
Resolution Media: Find Resolution (Video) – LIVE!

Thursday, September 2
TopRank Online Marketing Blog (Video) – LIVE!
The Search Agency: The Search Agents (Video) – LIVE!
Mobile Marketer (Sound-bytes) – LIVE!

Friday, September 3
Shawn Collins: Affiliate Tip (Q&A) – LIVE!
iMediaConnection (Guest post) – LIVE!
Joe Kutchera: Latino Link (Video) – LIVE!

Tuesday, September 7
Samir Balwani: Connecting Brands with Consumers Online (Guest post) – LIVE!
AdExchanger.com (Q&A) – LIVE!
Fuor Digital (Video) – LIVE!

Wednesday, September 8
Rick Liebling: How Soon is Now? (Guest post) – LIVE!
David Berkowitz: Inside the Marketer’s Studio (Q&A) – LIVE!
Razorfish Search Shots (Video) – LIVE!
Yianni Garcia: Social Media Guy (Guest post) – LIVE!
GroupM Search: Search Fuel (TBD)

Thursday, September 9
DigiDay Daily (Q&A) – LIVE!
Dave Fleet: Conversations at the Intersection of Communications, PR, and Social (Q&A) – LIVE!
SmartBrief SmartBlog on Social Media (Guest post) – LIVE!
Drew McLellan: The Marketing Minute (Video) – LIVE!
BBH Labs (Video) – LIVE!

Friday, September 10
Adam Sherk: News Media SEO – PR – Social Media Marketing (Guest post) – LIVE!
Rohit Bhargava: Influential Marketing (Q&A)
SEOmoz (Video) – LIVE!
Denuo Group: Denuology (Video) – LIVE!

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