Readers of my book will know I love a good pun so I was super-excited when Julia from McGraw-Hill’s PR dept. told me my book trailer video was featured today in an industry newsletter called “Shelf Awareness.”
FAQ #9: Will You Write Another Book?
by Aaron GoldmanYes.
I’d imagine writing a book is much like completing that other item on my bucket list — running a marathon. It’s an incredibly exhausting process but exhilarating at the same time and crossing the finish line not only feels great, it makes you want to do it again… someday.
I will write another book. Someday.
I have what I think is a very strong concept. It will definitely be more of a “consumer-friendly” book rather than a business book so I can relate my ideas to a broader audience (ie, I want to write something that my mom would actually want to read.)
My next book will also be Google related. After all, it’s what I know best. I’ll save the details for a later time though as I want to flesh them out further and make sure no-one steals my ideas before I’m far enough down the line that I can’t be beaten to market.
Note: this post is part of a series. For more, see the full list of FAQs.
Category: About the Book, FAQs | Comments (1)
The Hub-and-Spoke Model in Action
August 11, 2010 by Aaron GoldmanI shot a quick screencast today to show how McGraw-Hill and I have applied the “hub-and-spoke” model discussed in Chapter 5: Be Where Your Audience Is to our book marketing and PR activities. Essentially, acts as the hub (and main sales tool) while each social media outlet provides opportunity to engage readers in their environment and (hopefully) “ladder” them up from passive to active supporters.
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FAQ #8: What Other Books Are Similar to Yours?
by Aaron GoldmanI have yet to come across any books that outline general marketing lessons learned from Google so I believe my book stands alone for this niche topic.
However, there are a number of books that successfully cover Google, marketing, and related themes. Below is the response I included in my book proposal when McGraw-Hill asked me for the following:
List 3-4 competing books (preferably books which have been bestsellers or have been highly visible/influential in your content area) and positively distinguish your book. How is your book outstanding and unique, from both an editorial and a marketing perspective? If there are no direct competitors, cite the books that come closest.
1. What Would Google Do? by Jeff Jarvis
This book spells out new rules for operating in a Google world. My book will focus solely on marketing lessons rather than general business insights. And my book will be less about Google and more about companies that are applying lessons learned from Google. Also, by interspersing tweets and encouraging ongoing dialogue via Twitter, my book will be less static, more dynamic, and appeal to people that don’t have the attention span to read long-form text.
2. The Search by John Battelle
This book is about the history of Google and importance of search. My book is less about search and more about principles of search that can be applied to all marketing tactics. But I will draw from what John did most successfully which was intertwine interviews with top Google brass and other industry pundits to weave the story together and make it more compelling.
3. Small is the New Big by Seth Godin
While this book is not about Google or search, it is about marketing. And it’s written in a style I’ll emulate in terms of quick, punchy copy and thought-provoking, often contrarian, sound-bytes. Further, the “Small is the New Big” point-of-view speaks to the changing paradigm in marketing that I’ll be highlighting in my book. The main difference is that I’ll demonstrate the new world order by focusing specifically on lessons learned from Google referencing the occasional tweet as opposed to Seth’s lessons culled from a wide (dare I say, wandering) swath of insights and experiences hashed out in blog posts.
Note: I realize what I wrote is a bit brash but please keep in mind that I wrote this to sell McGraw-Hill on making me an offer. I can only hope that my readers will consider my book to be in the same ballpark as those written by Jarvis, Battelle, and Godin.
‘Nother Note: this post is part of a series. For more, see the full list of FAQs.
Category: About the Book, FAQs | Comments (1)
Hot Off The Press!
August 10, 2010 by Aaron GoldmanGot my authors copies last night! The rest are en route to booksellers as we speak. Looks like Amazon will be delivering between 8/26 and 8/30. Get ready to get Googley!
Category: About the Book, Behind the Scenes | Comments (1)
FAQ #7: Who Is the Book Written For?
by Aaron GoldmanAs with FAQ #1, I’ll just copy and paste from the proposal I sent to McGraw-Hill as they were keen to know the answer before green-lighting the project…
Anyone with a stake in marketing, from small business owners to CEO’s of Fortune 500 corporations, will want to buy this book. That said, the sweet spot will be marketing professionals responsible for advertising, PR, promotions, product development, etc. These folks are either “client-side” working at in-house marketing departments or “agency-side” at marketing communications firms. A subset of this group that will be particularly interested in buying this book is search engine marketing professionals looking to apply their skills to the broader marketing mix.
Note: this post is part of a series. For more, see the full list of FAQs.
Category: About the Book, FAQs | Comments (1)
FAQ #6: What Was the Hardest Part About Writing the Book?
August 9, 2010 by Aaron GoldmanIt wasn’t too hard coming up with the topic. As discussed in FAQ #3, it just sort of came to me.
And it wasn’t too hard getting my thoughts on paper. When I sat down to write, the copy flowed pretty freely.
Far and away, the hardest part about writing this book was doing the research and coordinating interviews with key industry professionals.
I knew that no-one would want to read 300+ pages of what Aaron Goldman thinks about Google and marketing. Rather, to make this book truly compelling, I’d need to offer up a comprehensive point-of-view shared by the most thoughtful and influential folks in the marketing world.
As you can image, the most thoughtful and influential folks in the marketing world are also the busiest folks in just about all the world. Trying to coordinate interviews around their schedules proved to be a most tedious and arduous task.
In some cases, I wasn’t able to get the information I needed until weeks or months after I had written the chapter into which the material would be inserted. This made things difficult for me. I’m definitely a linear writer. I do best when I start at the beginning and proceed to the end.
Having to juggle an un-chronological (and sometimes illogical) research process definitely threw me for a loop. Ultimately, though, I was able to nail down a good 75%+ of the peoples whose input I sought and the manuscript came out all the better for having done it.
Note: this post is part of a series. For more, see the full list of FAQs.
Category: About the Book, FAQs | Comments (1)
FAQ #5: How Long Did It Take You to Write the Book?
August 6, 2010 by Aaron GoldmanIn calendar time, 3 months and 1 week.
In total writing time, probably 4 weeks.
I started writing the book (granted I had an outline to work off given my MediaPost columns — more on that in FAQ #2) the week between Christmas and New Years 2009. I spent about 5 full days (8am-6pm) writing that week.
Then, for the next 2 months, I took off every Friday and a random day here and there to write. I also took off one full week in February. By “took off,” I mean turning on the out-of-office auto-responder and catching up on phone or email in the evenings.
Finally, in March, I took about 3 days out of a 7-day family vacation in Mexico to write.
My manuscript deadline was March 31st and I missed it by 8 minutes after a long day of reviewing everything and making a few last tweaks. Thankfully, McGraw-Hill didn’t give me a hard time about being “late.”
After April 1st, I had a bit of a break while the book went through the editing process. I received the first batch of copyedited manuscript on May 11th and had until May 28th to provide my feedback.
Then, I received the proofed pages on June 16th and turned around my comments by June 28th.
My final deliverable was the index which I received on July 8th and sent back on July 12th.
Now the book is off to the printers and should be rolling off the press any day now in time to hit stores on 8/27.
Note: this post is part of a series. For more, see the full list of FAQs.
Category: About the Book, FAQs | Comments (1)
FAQ #4: Did Google Approve This Book?
August 5, 2010 by Aaron GoldmanNo.
When I first contacted Google’s PR department to secure interviews with specific employees, it was made very clear that Google could not endorse any particular book or author. However, they were happy to help me get in touch with key personnel and, for the most part, allowed the interviewees to speak with me unmonitored and uncensored.
One thing that’s been a bit dicey relative to Google’s policies is the use of “Google” in a domain. Originally, I secured as the URL for my book and I used @LearnFromGoogle on Twitter to mirror it. This was before I had stumbled across these Google brand permission guidelines which state somewhat ambiguously, “We cannot approve the use of Internet domain names that use the word ‘Google’ or some variation of ‘Google’. For example, we would not approve a site called or”
So do they prohibit it or just “cannot approve” it?
While no-one from Google had contacted me about my use of, I thought I better play it safe and switched to Sure, the letters “Google” still appear in order in this domain but Googley is a different word with its own meaning so I hoped (and still hope) it’s kosher.
As it were, Googley has turned out to be a more versatile phrase for use in my chapter summaries (Get Googley!) and, in general, conveys a more informal tone which is in line with my persona and the book’s narrative. Let’s just hope no-one from Google legal reads this post and decides to do more than “not approve” it!
Note: this post is part of a series. For more, see the full list of FAQs.
Category: About the Book, FAQs | Comments (2)
Aaron Goldman’s Googley Lessons Blog Tour
August 4, 2010 by Aaron GoldmanNow Playing at a Blog Near You!
30 Stops. 10 Days. 1 Googley Blog Tour.
In Chapter 5: Be Where Your Audience Is, I preach about creating and distributing content in the places where your best prospects and customers spend time…
“Don’t ask people to stop what they’re doing or leave where they are to come visit you. Break down your brand into assets they can use wherever they are. Find out where the conversations about your brand or offering are happening and plant seeds there.”
It’s with that mantra in mind that my publishers hatched the idea of a blog tour to promote my book. Rather than asking people to come to, let’s take the Googley Lessons to the people!
Below is the rundown of all scheduled tour stops.
Update: I’m also doing some “real-life” appearances to promote the book, discuss its theme, and share best practices. That schedule is posted at
Monday, August 30
David Dalka: Online Marketing Management and Business Strategy (Video) – LIVE!
The Social Times (Guest post) – LIVE!
Critical Mass: Experience Matters (Video) – LIVE!
Tuesday, August 31
Temkin Group: Customer Experience Matters (Video) – LIVE!
Jack Myers: MediaBizBloggers (Excerpt) – LIVE!
Andy Santamaria: Chronically Curious (Video) – LIVE!
Wednesday, September 1
PR Newswer (Podcast) – LIVE!
Resolution Media: Find Resolution (Video) – LIVE!
Thursday, September 2
TopRank Online Marketing Blog (Video) – LIVE!
The Search Agency: The Search Agents (Video) – LIVE!
Mobile Marketer (Sound-bytes) – LIVE!
Friday, September 3
Shawn Collins: Affiliate Tip (Q&A) – LIVE!
iMediaConnection (Guest post) – LIVE!
Joe Kutchera: Latino Link (Video) – LIVE!
Tuesday, September 7
Samir Balwani: Connecting Brands with Consumers Online (Guest post) – LIVE! (Q&A) – LIVE!
Fuor Digital (Video) – LIVE!
Wednesday, September 8
Rick Liebling: How Soon is Now? (Guest post) – LIVE!
David Berkowitz: Inside the Marketer’s Studio (Q&A) – LIVE!
Razorfish Search Shots (Video) – LIVE!
Yianni Garcia: Social Media Guy (Guest post) – LIVE!
GroupM Search: Search Fuel (TBD)
Thursday, September 9
DigiDay Daily (Q&A) – LIVE!
Dave Fleet: Conversations at the Intersection of Communications, PR, and Social (Q&A) – LIVE!
SmartBrief SmartBlog on Social Media (Guest post) – LIVE!
Drew McLellan: The Marketing Minute (Video) – LIVE!
BBH Labs (Video) – LIVE!
Friday, September 10
Adam Sherk: News Media SEO – PR – Social Media Marketing (Guest post) – LIVE!
Rohit Bhargava: Influential Marketing (Q&A)
SEOmoz (Video) – LIVE!
Denuo Group: Denuology (Video) – LIVE!
Category: Appearances, Press | Comments (6)